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Terms and conditions
  1. Buyer Agreement: The Buyer agrees;

    1. To accept responsibility for caring for the Kitten/Cat and will provide the best reasonably possible care for its welfare.

    2. To keep the Kitten/Cat indoors in a clean and pleasant environment, uncaged and with proper nutrition, health care, and companionship.

    3. The Buyer will be responsible for all veterinary and other expenses incurred on behalf of the Kitten/Cat.

    4. To provide immediate veterinary care to the Kitten/Cat if it shows signs of distress, illness, or injury. 

    5. The Seller does not guarantee the Kitten/Cat is free of parasites, hypoallergenic qualities, cosmetic defects, show quality, and/or other detracting factors.

    6. The Seller is not liable for any hazards and/or damage formed and/or caused by the Kitten/Cat.

    7. The Kitten/Cat will at no time be sold, leased, given away, abandoned, parted with possession of and/or otherwise dealt with, without the Sellers written consent first had. Without restriction to the generality of the foregoing the Buyer in particular further agrees not to transfer possession of the Kitten/Cat, pet shop, animal dealer, research facility, animal shelter or person convicted of neglect and/or cruelty to an animal.

    8. Without restriction to the generality of clause 1.7, if at any time the Buyer becomes unable to care for the Kitten/Cat, the Seller is to be given the right of first refusal. And if the Seller does not exercise that right, it is the responsibility of the Buyer to place the Kitten/Cat with reputable New Zealand located third parties that agree in writing to observe the terms and conditions as stated in this contract (including this clause).

    9. The Kitten/Cat shall only be fed high-quality premium pet food and provided liquids in the form of freshwater.

    10. In the event of any issues with the Kitten/Cat arising, the parties agree to discuss them directly and not to post about them on any public forum, such as social media. Nothing herein however shall prevent, should that be required, the parties from seeking proper legal advice concerning the Kitten/Cat and/or any provision hereof.

    11. Should the Buyer be dissatisfied with the Kitten/Cat in the first three (3) days following Delivery Date, then provided the Kitten/Cat has not been exposed to other animals, the Kitten/Cat may be returned on notice at their expense and the Buyer will be refunded the Purchase Price in New Zealand dollars less an administration fee of $350 + GST.

    12. The Kitten/Cat is believed to be sold in either a spayed/neutered or not condition as indicated in the Schedule. However, if any such procedure is subsequently found to have failed the Seller shall not be liable for any consequences flowing therefrom.

    13. The Purchase Price is plus GST (if any) and assumes the Buyer will collect the Kitten/Cat from the Sellers Address.

  2. Vendor Agreement: The Seller agrees;

    1. The Kitten/Cat is believed to be free of untreatable and/or life threatening illnesses upon Delivery Date and so long as the Kitten/Cat is kept quarantined throughout this time, for a period of 72 hours thereafter and against congenital defects for one (1) year from Delivery Date.

    2. If found to have such a condition within the relevant aforesaid time period, this must be reported to the Seller immediately and all reasonable directions (including but not restricted to getting veterinary assistance) given thereby immediately and fully followed.

    3. If the Kitten/Cat dies within the relevant aforesaid period, at the Sellers option a replacement Kitten/Cat/refund will be made provided a licensed veterinarian first certifies all reasonable efforts were made to save the Kitten/Cat and that the cause of death was as appropriate a pre-existing untreatable, life threatening and/or congenital illness/defect present on the Delivery Date.

    4. The Seller shall at no time and under no circumstances be liable for more than replacing the Kitten/Cat with another Kitten/Cat of similar value. If no replacement is available at the time of claim, the Seller will have up to one year to furnish a comparable Kitten/Cat. The Seller reserves the right to at any time make a refund of the Purchase Price instead of supplying a new Kitten/Cat.

    5. Any failure to observe the terms hereof will render the terms of clause 2.3 hereof null and void.

  3. Both Parties Agree:

    1. Any legal action which may arise under the terms of this contract will be brought in New Zealand.

    2. The Buyer shall be liable for all costs and related charges including attorney’s fees (on a solicitor client basis) associated with the Seller actually and/or attempting to enforce the terms of this contract.

    3. This agreement is the entire agreement between parties. 

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